Appoyo - A new way to care for the elderly.

Find Your Ideal Home Carer. Quickly, Easily

Getting started

The Process

Every project requires a well-defined process, and this one was no exception. We adhered to the principles of the design thinking process, an ideology that priorities placing the user at the forefront, also known as user-centered design. This ideolgy has 6 main steps to follow but by no means is this a lineal process it's often thought of as cyclical.













About Appoyo

Appoyo is an introductory service within the home care industry. Striving to provide flexibility to carers while offering a cheaper option for those seeking care. By connecting through our online platform, care seekers can find skilled carers that match their specific needs.

  1. Comparison tool to find local, vetted carers which suit the carre seeker's needs.
  2. Contact carer’s agency with the desired shifts that the care seeker needs care for.
  3. Monitor the care with other family members, so the care seeker know's what’s going on.

My Role

I led the design process for the whole project. I was heavily involved with the marketing team from the beginning, setting out business requirements and making sure the process was design lead.

Design Tools Used

step 1


User Persona's

step 2


This step helped ensure that the design solution(s) were user-centred and aligned with the real needs and goals of the people they are designing for. We used this step for framing the design problem and ensuring that we had a clear and shared understanding of the user's needs and the issues at hand.

Currently there isn’t many care companies that allow care seekers and care givers to choose who they are paired with. Choosing who you pair with works both for the care giver and the care seeker.

Care seekers will receive better care because they're in control of who their carer is. This way the care seeker can build a healthy relationship with the care giver.

step 3


This step was the creative part, where user journey's & wireframes of potential solutions were produced along with brainstorming different ideas.

User Journey

Sketches & Wireframes

step 4


Once I had produced some wireframes and shared them with stakeholders for feedback, I begun to make these ideas into a Axure prototype. I wanted to create as real experience as possible for user testing, so that I could really study the user's behaviour when interacting with the tool.

step 5


I conducted two rounds of usability tests, each round consisted of 5 participants. Each test was vital in uncovering aspects of the user interface and product that could be improved.


  • Identify feelings towards the UI
  • Identify sticking points within the UI
  • Identify how easy it was to search for a carer
  • Identify how easy it was from within the dashboard it was to add a carer to the system

User Task

"Can you add a new carer to the system, once you've added one can you then search and find them?"

User Learnings

"Adding a new carer was quite simple but there was a lot of information to input".

"The search was easy to use I found the carer that I added would of liked to be able to filter by the amount of hours they can do per week".

"Really great functionality I had problems adding an image for my carer so maybe this needs to be clearer".


  • The page for adding a new carer could be split into an accodion or seperate pages to make this process a more enjoyable one and take the boredom out of adding lots of information. We could also use a step approach and save each step so that the user can come back to it another time.
  • The adding a profile image is quite basic at the moment, but going forward we could make it clearer on what images it accepts and add text that displays the file limit.

step 6


What People Say

"Glenn complies with the highest requirements, and keeps pushing the boundaries and the limits of innovation, with a desire to achieve higher levels of performance. I'd say that he is a force for efficiency and progress for any company. In his time of SMI he also took big steps in being able to face clients and simplify the complexity of the systems he manages for those who don't know digital. A very hard working and positive element to have".

Mickaël Gootjes - New Business Director SMI

"During my time working alongside Glenn, he showed great efficiency in developing and implementing new digital initiatives into the company's operations. Such initiatives provided added value to existing services, allowed for new service offerings and assisted in the overall effectiveness of the marketing portfolio I managed".

Nicholas Carroll - Communications, media and digital manager

"I have worked with Glenn both during my time at Sportfocus and also on a freelance basis. I’ve found that Glenn approaches each project with 100% commitment offering new ideas with his in-depth knowledge of the digital world.

Glenn has a great eye for creative design, delivering a fabulous result at the same understanding fully what the requirement was. He’s always a pleasure to work with and I very much look forward to working with him in the future.".

Pritesh Patel - Director P-19 Media